Slice a string in Python

We can extract substring from a string. In this article, we would illustrate how to slice a string in Python v3.9. But before we proceed, it is important to discuss a bit about string indexing.

In the additional info section, we would discuss how Python strings are immutable i.e. they can’t be assigned values.

Indexing a string in Python

Lets say we have a variable x that has a string assigned –

>>> x = 'TechPiezo'

If we index a string from left, then index of the first character is 0 (zero). On the other hand, if indexing is done from right then index of the first character starts from -1.

On the Python interpreter, if we get the value of x at index 0 then –

>>> x [0]

would result in –


Similarly, for others as well.

So, from the left it would be –

x [0] = T
x [1] = e

and so on till –

x [8] = o

On the contrary, if its indexed from right then –

x [-1] = o
x [-2] = z

till –

x [-9] = T

You would notice, we haven’t used x[0] when starting the index from right. That’s because there can’t be -0, zero is well a zero.

With indexing done, lets now move on to the how to slice a string.

Slice a string in Python

With the help of slicing, we can extract a substring from a string. We will continue with the same variable –

>>> x = 'TechPiezo'

Before we start, its going to be –

x [start:stop]

A. To extract a substring from the left

>>> x [0:3]

would yield –


It important to note here that, character at the index 3 i.e. ‘h’ is excluded.

B. Similarly,

>>> x [3:6]

output –


C. But, if its extracted from the right

>>> x [-6:-3]

it would be –


D. In case we want to slice string to the end, then it’s better to omit the second index –

>>> x [2:]

This would get us –


E. Or, what if we omit the first index

>>> x [:3]

it doesn’t include the character at the last index –


Step-wise slice a string in Python

The string we have sliced up till now had a step of 1. We can also define the step size for our substring.

x [start:stop:step]

Using the same variable again –

>>> x = 'TechPiezo'

Here, we define range 0-6 & step size as 2 instead of default 1.

>>> x [0:6:2]

It would result in –


It is worth mentioning here that, we can also reverse a string using negative step i.e. -1

>>> x[::-1]

Output –


In conclusion, we have discussed how to slice a string in Python. Step-wise slicing and string reversal was also there.

Additional Info –

Python strings are immutable i.e. we can’t change the contents of the string once its assigned.

So, even if we try to modify our string it won’t.

>>> x = 'TechPiezo'
>>> x [3] = 'X'

It would say –

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

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