Install OpenShot video editor in Ubuntu 22.04

In this article, we cover how to install OpenShot video editor in Ubuntu 22.04. Its a free and open-source cross platform video editor. Through OpenShot, we can manage our video files with ease. At the time of writing, the latest stable release available is 3.0.0.

There are multiple ways to install OpenShot package. It could be through –

  1. standard Ubuntu repository,
  2. PPA,
  3. compiling the source code and,
  4. AppImage.

Though we always prefer to install packages through standard Ubuntu repository. But, at the time of writing – v2.5.1 is available through standard Ubuntu repository. So, we chose to run the application using an AppImage available on official website of OpenShot. This got us the latest version i.e. v3.0.0.

Furthermore, we won’t require superuser privileges when its about running an application using AppImages. But, we have to manually update AppImages. So, regularly check for latest versions.

Install OpenShot video editor in Ubuntu 22.04

The first step to download the AppImage from official website of OpenShot. On the homepage itself, you would find the Download button. From, there we can download an AppImage.

The AppImage file we downloaded was –


Now, all we need to do is – make this file executable and this can be done through chmod command-line utility. So, open a terminal and issue the following –

cd /path/to/AppImage/
chmod u+x OpenShot-v3.0.0-x86_64.AppImage

Here, the user is allowed to execute (i.e. u+x) AppImage file.

Next, all we need to do run the AppImage is –


In conclusion, we have covered how to install OpenShot video editor in Ubuntu 22.04 here.

Additional Info –

Follow the steps below to run AppImage directly from terminal without providing the path everytime.

Open ~/.bashrc with a text editor. We have used nano text editor –

nano ~/.bashrc

and append it with following entries –

export PATH=/path/to/OpenShot-AppImage/:$PATH


/path/to/ should be replaced with the actual path to directory. Now, open a new terminal and issue the following to run the application –


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