Install mpv media player in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

mpv is a free and open-source media player application. It was first released on August 07, 2013. And, at the time of writing the article, latest stable release is 0.32.0. mpv is based on Mplayer and Mplayer2. Furthermore, the application is written in Objective-C, C and Lua. In this article, we would discuss how to install mpv media player in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS release.

mpv media player supports numerous audio/video codecs and file formats. In addition to, a user can write his/her own scripts to get the maximum out from the application.


Aforementioned directory will contain all the scripts that a user writes to extend media players’ functionality.


mpv.conf is its configuration file.

Note: Following operations would require you to have superuser privileges. In case you don’t have one, then contact your System Administrator for assistance.

Install mpv media player in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS release

As the package is already available to us through standard Ubuntu repository. Therefore, we need to update the repository first to make the latest version of package available. Hence, issue the following in terminal –

sudo apt update

Next, to install the package and its related dependencies –

sudo apt install mpv

Now, the application can be accessed through our Systems’ main menu.

In conclusion, we have discussed how to install mpv media player in Ubuntu distribution.

Additional Info –

We will discuss few available keyboard shortcuts –

Arrow key –

Left –> 5 seconds backward

Right –> 5 seconds forward

Down –> 1 minute backward

Up –> 1 minute forward

Space bar – pause or unpause the file

q – to quit

m – to mute/unmute sound

9/0 – to decrease/increase volume

L – to play file in a loop infinite

s – takes a screenshot

< – backward in playlist

> – forward in playlist

z – Adjust subtitle + 0.1 seconds

Z – Adjust subtitle – 0.1 seconds

Ctrl + – Adjust audio + 0.1 seconds.

Ctrl – – Adjust audio – 0.1 seconds.

f – full screen

In addition to accessing file available on disks, mpv media player also supports various network protocols. In coming articles, we would cover mpv configuration file. And, also discuss various operations we can perform through it.

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