How to remove audio from video in Linux?

In this article, we cover how to remove audio from the video in Linux using ffmpeg command-line utility. FFmpeg is quite a useful package through which we can easily manage our multimedia files.

Note: Following operations require Administrative Rights. Contact your System Administrator, if you don’t have the required rights to install a package.

Install FFmpeg on Ubuntu

First, install the package. If you are on Ubuntu, then open a terminal and update the repository:

sudo apt update

To install FFmpeg:

sudo apt install ffmpeg

How to remove audio from video in Linux?

It is worth mentioning here that, we don’t provide the preference to remove a specific audio track here. Understand it with the help of an example. Let’s say we have a video file: va.mp4 and now we want to remove the audio track from it.

As already discussed, we will be using the command-line tool ffmpeg. So, open a terminal and issue the following:

ffmpeg -i va.mp4 -c:v copy -an v.mp4

where -i is for the input file. In this case, it is va.mp4,

-c:v copy mainly copies all video streams,

-an blocks all the audio streams from the file.

v.mp4 is an output video that won’t have audio.

So, the syntax for the command:

ffmpeg -i <input-video-file> -c:v copy -an <output-video-file>

In conclusion, we have covered here how to remove audio from a video in Linux.

Additional Info:

So, we have got a video file that doesn’t have the audio. If we wish to add another audio file to it. Then, it can be done through the following command:

ffmpeg -i v.mp4 -i a.m4a -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mp4

where v.mp4 and a.m4a are video and audio files respectively,

output.mp4 is the file we get by combining audio and video,

-c:a copy mainly copies all audio streams.

Rest of the options we have already covered.

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