Install Snapd in AlmaLinux 9

In this article, we cover how to install Snapd in AlmaLinux 9. Snap ecosystem mainly consists of Snap, Snapd, Snap Store and Snapcraft. Snapd is used to manage Snaps, which includes an application and its dependencies. It is developed by Canonical Ltd. Snap store has all the Snaps available.

The package Snapd is available through EPEL (or, Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository. Therefore, we need to install the repository first it its not installed in your machine.

Note: Following operations require superuser privileges. In case you don’t have one then, we advise you to contact your System Administrator for assistance.

Install EPEL repository in AlmaLinux 9

Open a terminal and issue the following –

# dnf install epel-release

This will install EPEL repository. We can verify the installation through following command –

$ dnf repolist

Install Snapd in AlmaLinux 9

To install Snapd –

# dnf install snapd

We can verify the installation through –

$ snap version

At this stage, it may return with –

snapd unavailable
series -

If that is the case, then we need to enable and start the snapd.socket –

# systemctl enable --now snapd.socket

And, run the following command again –

$ snap version

This time around it should show version data.

In conclusion, we have covered here how to install Snapd in AlmaLinux 9.

Additional Info –

If we to want view all the Snaps that are installed in our machine –

$ snap list

If you would like to know more about a Snap –

$ snap info <Snap-name>

To find a Snap –

$ snap find <search-term>

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