In previous article, we discussed On Page Search Engine Optimization for a web page. When it comes to On Site Search Engine Optimization, which is implemented across the website. Hence, the elements that we have to optimize here are different from those involved with On Page Search Engine Optimization.
There are a few factors that can be utilized for implementing On Site Search Engine Optimization techniques.
- Your Websites’ Speed,
- Mobile Responsive Pages,
- Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP),
- URL Optimization,
- Sitemaps, and
- Local Domains.
A. Our Websites’ Speed:
It is one of the crucial factors. No matter how relevant our content is, if our website takes ages to load then a user would leave. The bounce rate then gets quite high. Search engines also notice that. Our websites’ ranking goes down. Not something we want. Speed of our website is the key. It is a part of user experience.
Apart from that, even if our website loads faster. Keep striving to make it faster than before. There are numerous things which we can do to make our website load faster. The list may include – minimizing JavaScript files, using the services of a Content Delivery Network, avoiding inline styles, services of a servers that has good response time. If our website runs through a Content Management system then, install only plugins that are absolutely required. This would lower down the security issues which we may have to deal with later.
B. Mobile Responsive Pages:
With the rise in the number of smart phone users who use data services. It is better to design mobile friendly websites. And, don’t forget to keep same url for both desktop and mobile web pages. Serving different content to users accessing through different platforms is not something a user would appreciate. In order to get that done, our web pages have to adopt responsive design. It must adapt to the screen size of the device.
C. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP):
AMP is an acronym for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is web framework that has been developed by Google. We provide a link of our AMP pages with the normal HTML pages. As a result, our AMP gets associated with HTML pages. There are three major components of AMP framework – HTML, JavaScript and Caches. The notion behind introducing AMP was to load web pages on mobile devices faster. But, these areĀ different from Mobile Responsive Pages. AMP pages are cached by the companies, which ultimately deliver web pages to its users. Example of these companies can be – those which provide search engine services, content delivery networks etc.
D. URL Optimization:
URLs play an important role in optimizing our website. They should provide our web page summary in just a line. But, it should be in a human-readable format. Use of special characters in URLs is discouraged.
E. Sitemaps:
The sitemaps are of two types – HTML sitemaps and XML sitemaps. XML sitemaps are available for crawlers. These sitemaps contains a list of web pages on our website that we want Search Engines to access. It could be possible that Search Engines may not be able to crawl your website. Reasons could be – broken links, websites’ internal link structure is not appropriate. To address those issues, we should provide a list in the form of XML sitemaps. Although, it doesn’t guarantee that search engines would index all of our web pages.
F. Local Domains:
To target users from a specific country, we must localize our domain name. For instance, domains would be targeted towards users from United Kingdom. If a user from United Kingdom searches for a query relevant to our web page then, our domain name would rank ahead of other localized domains. It is always better to choose a domain name that lets the user know purpose our website.
In conclusion, there are several other factors that may affect your web page rank positively like inbound links, traffic from social media platforms.